
Side Stitches?

大阪馬拉松訓練日誌 (9):今朝好好天, 諗住同波比先生跑遠D 啦, 點知.....
一起跑, 我就竟然橫隔膜痛, 完全史吓史吓咁跑, 都跑唔到, 一跑就痛......
本來係去天水圍的, 去唔到啦, 唯有改去球場,
不過真係好好彩呀, 一到達就落了一場好大的過雲雨,
如果我哋係去緊天水圍, 條路冇遮冇擋, 我哋一定變了落湯雞喇!!!
不過好快又出返太陽, 真係吹脹!


一出太陽就三十度, 蒸發住地上的雨水, 我完全覺得自己好似喺個蒸籠入面跑緊咁!


我唯有諗辨法啦, 我覺得痛係因為一跑時, chok 到D 肌肉/內臟攪到痛,
於是我就坐低人的重心咁跑, 即係好似快行咁, 唔會 chok 到身體, 所以真係唔痛喎!
算是勉強地完成了 5km 啦..............

咁我睇返D 外國的網頁講呢個問題, 原來叫做 side stitch,

The problem may be more likely to occur if you run soon after eating because a full stomach may irritate the diaphragm when you run. Spasms can also occur if you breathe rapidly during a long race, causing the diaphragm to work harder. 


Using abdominal breathing while running may be helpful in reducing diaphragm cramping. During abdominal breathing, you inhale slowly through your nose, hold your breath for several seconds and breathe out through your mouth. As you inhale, you push your abdomen out and relax it again when you exhale. Deep breathing while keeping your lips pursed may also help. Pursed breathing involves inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the mouth while keeping your lips together as though you are whistling.

Read more: http://www.livestrong.com/article/365025-diaphragm-cramping-after-running-a-race/#ixzz1PcIFn38

兩個 website 都係教做 deep breathing exercise, 如果下次 touch wood 再出事, 希望真係有用啦!
如果去到馬拉松比賽時先出事, 咁真係好慘啊!!! (就好似波比先生剛剛的比賽咁)
準備咁耐, 一起步就跑唔到, 實好傷心啊~~

跑完步, 去了食士林台灣麵, 而家佢絕對係元朗田中之外, 最長龍的舖頭, 夜晚去係唔洗旨意食到的! 
我哋所以都好耐冇食了, 今日真係算早先有位咋!! 
炸雞排, 好食 (又好肥.........), 不過是凍的
牛肉飯的牛肉, 又是凍的.... 好生意之後, 似乎已經冇以前做得咁認真用新鮮了


下星期日, 我們就在真真正正的士林夜市了, 嘻嘻~

