尋日收到電話, Department 有人問我可唔可以做 class representative, 真係有趣啊.....
可能因為我工作同 Department 的關係, 所以搵我掛?
好開心可以有伴一齊讀呢科, 一齊搭車一齊放 break 時間好易過~
亦見到有我醫院的 stroke nurse 同 PT 呢~
今日第一堂, 由Program director 的醫生主講, 雖然係似曾相識的 anatomy,
但佢真係講得好清楚好易明白, 我真係俾十個 Excellent 佢!
還記得我們 Year 1 去 Sport Center 上 A&P 的鬼佬鬼婆嘛?
真係上完都唔知上咗乜, 過到簡直係奇蹟~
第一堂是個非常好的開始, 還很期待以後的課堂啊!
Hey, I am thinking if you could share the notes with me! (you can email me your notes) You know, I think we all should know more about A&P but we don't have much chance to learn before ma! (although it is very likely that I will just save it and never read it!)
haha, Cora 姐果然係全班最好學嘅同學!
回覆刪除Share 俾妳冇問題啦, 不過D notes 其實好簡單, 係佢講解得清楚囉~