wai, who are u talking about ar? ur new colleague? where does she/he work before?????? u must report to LK or Diana so that they will take back her/his degree la! terrible~ luckily that I still have not seen such a rubbish ST aronud me law. otherwise, I will want to kick her/him li! don't 整衰大家個professional ma!
hai~~~~ I must admit that I have never seen such messy sessions and poor clinical skills in my years of practice. Do your green colleagues also make such 'mistake' when you do supervision with them?
I also wonder why she could pass all the clinical practicum and Viva lor....
But you know, passes is passes. We can do nothing to forbid these kind of people practising in our field. I think what I can do at most is to teach her and coach her. Any improvement in her clinical skill would make less children to suffer.
wai, who are u talking about ar? ur new colleague? where does she/he work before?????? u must report to LK or Diana so that they will take back her/his degree la! terrible~ luckily that I still have not seen such a rubbish ST aronud me law. otherwise, I will want to kick her/him li! don't 整衰大家個professional ma!
回覆刪除hai~~~~ I must admit that I have never seen such messy sessions and poor clinical skills in my years of practice.
回覆刪除Do your green colleagues also make such 'mistake' when you do supervision with them?
I also wonder why she could pass all the clinical practicum and Viva lor....
But you know, passes is passes.
We can do nothing to forbid these kind of people practising in our field.
I think what I can do at most is to teach her and coach her. Any improvement in her clinical skill would make less children to suffer.
回覆刪除can't imagine someone can make THESE ERRORS!! not MISTAKES...
bu from what you've mentioned seems that her attitude is quite problematic wor...not just matter of skills....
wish that your passion can change her, and your head can scold her!
Exactly, her atitude is very problematic too.
回覆刪除我一早已經特登教定佢排板上要寫D 乜, 點知做完 case 寫完排板, 我叫佢要俾我睇一次先, 就發現份 HKCAT form 寫漏晒嘢, 排板面教過佢要寫的嘢全部都冇寫, 真係好嘔血....
我話咗佢, 叫佢其他嗰D 真係寫返好晒先俾我睇,
點知星期五放工再睇, 又係寫漏晒, 我都真係好激氣, 我都多次用好唔客氣的語氣去話佢:「我已經話咗俾妳聽兩次要寫呢D, 妳仲寫漏呀?」即係根本我同佢講嘅嘢, 佢個人一D 都唔上心囉~
哈, 最抵死的係佢話自己份 Dissertation 係做 Phonology o架囉, 妳哋話係咪好驚嚇呢!? #.#
不過說來慚愧,其實妳上述問0既幾個有關THEORY的問題, 我都唔係答到好多...都真係要溫下書...汗~"-_-