有時D BB 出世冇咩嘢, 大大吓先發覺很多問題, 先發覺係 syndrome 係遲緩, 對家長打擊實在很大,
由出世到一歲都是用著胃喉去餵食, 都沒離開過醫院的............. 其實多的是~
同事都不停叫我:「o拿, 妳係生就快D 喇, 妳睇吓 xxx 幾慘.......」
臨放工去了 ICU 睇埋一個女仔, 超 supportive 的家人, 令人值得在 weekend 前遲放工都去睇埋佢先~
有時 early referral 同 early intervention 真的很重要, ICU 的病人, 原來有時還不是太差,
當我的電話響, 那鬼妹仔說: "Boyfriend?" 我很驚訝她會古靈精怪的這樣問!
"No!!!! This is my colleague"
"No, boyfriend boyfriend boyfriend"
"No, it is the DECT phone we use in hospital, not my personal mobile phone. I talked about you, how naughty you are!"
"Boyfriend boyfriend boyfriend"
"Hey, I have NO boyfriend, I only have a.............. husband! Look at my ring, I am married!
"You are married?!!"
哈哈, 很多時病人還不太相信我這個幪面人是個已婚的師奶仔~
放工, 開心的去吃拉麵~
試了這 Lime Diet Coke, 好淡, 好冇可樂味, 很奇怪
雖然芝士味同軟綿綿程度沒有自家製那麼好, 但唔洗郁有得食, 都算唔錯了!