想再去清境探綿羊攤草地, 又可以再去泰國食嘢,
不過最後忽然諗到, o依, 不如去上海!!! 去睇世博!!!
睇D 介紹真係好好好勁咁, 雖然我上次去上海對這個地方的印象麻麻,
但似乎為了這個世博, 值得去一次!
打算 30/6 至 3/7, 有冇朋友有興趣同行呢?
病好了, 今晚去了食懷舊的安娜餐廳,
好大隻嘅咸豬手啊!!! 超讚!
好懷念的鐵杯雪糕, 襯上那綠色格仔枱布, 像回到過去~
飯後我們去了買電飯煲, 就嚟新年了, 又係大出血時間,
um... our clinic is planning to go as well! also some of my ex-classmates also want to go la! i think it will be very very peak during summer holiday le! u should go either earlier or later le! difficult to find hotel or very crowded la!
回覆刪除not yet summer holiday on 30/6 to 1/7 la, but only HK public holiday
回覆刪除well, i think it is already cheaper than in summer, and this is the only weekend which I don't have any MSc lecture (haha, but exam in the next week), so that I only have to take 2 days AL for a 4-day trip