今日打電話俾同事 T 先生, 講述返尋日的事,
講講吓, 忽然間不由自主地眼淚湧了出來....
今次, 係我嚟咗呢個地方之後, 第二次因為公事上的委屈而出現淚光,
而亦都係我工作生涯中的第二次, 就憑呢兩次, 我就應該清清楚楚想想自己將來的路嗎?
簡單的一句:「我睇你做三份工, 我知道你做上一份係最開心的」
我清楚知道只有唔成熟嘅人, 先會因為人事關係而轉工,
因為轉工根本唔會 guarantee 人事關係變好~ 或者會仲衰添!
但或者我開始明白, 我對上的師姐離開的原因,
鈎心鬥角, 笑裡藏刀, 殺人於無形..... 全部都係呢度各人的必殺技!
以為自己接得到招, 但原來可能是一個死無全屍......
如果我已渡過了九個月, 但原來發現將來的二十年都要過同樣的生活, 捱得住嗎?
我同佢哋根本唔同類, 唔通要學波比先生話齋要同佢哋鬥玩嘢,
講講吓, 忽然間不由自主地眼淚湧了出來....
今次, 係我嚟咗呢個地方之後, 第二次因為公事上的委屈而出現淚光,
而亦都係我工作生涯中的第二次, 就憑呢兩次, 我就應該清清楚楚想想自己將來的路嗎?
簡單的一句:「我睇你做三份工, 我知道你做上一份係最開心的」
我清楚知道只有唔成熟嘅人, 先會因為人事關係而轉工,
因為轉工根本唔會 guarantee 人事關係變好~ 或者會仲衰添!
但或者我開始明白, 我對上的師姐離開的原因,
鈎心鬥角, 笑裡藏刀, 殺人於無形..... 全部都係呢度各人的必殺技!
以為自己接得到招, 但原來可能是一個死無全屍......
如果我已渡過了九個月, 但原來發現將來的二十年都要過同樣的生活, 捱得住嗎?
我同佢哋根本唔同類, 唔通要學波比先生話齋要同佢哋鬥玩嘢,
other than (a)人事關係, do you (b)like the job nature of your current post?
回覆刪除if (b)>(a), stay. (job satisfaction is important to us)
if "no" for (b), u still have other choices & you are still young ma, quit la. (happy work env. is also important)
i donno if i am saying this too simple or not.
i know you are a good therapist, don't let those "ugly side" of work affect your emotions too much !
yes, i do like my current job nature, but maybe i am really so unfortune to have been selected to work in this cluster.....
回覆刪除Our cluster is always the one with highest rate of resignation...... People go and come so quickly in the past years, which is not the case in other cluster....
This time I think I am betrayed by someone who I trust all along, I feel so disappointed.
And no one would appriciate what you've done well, but they are always focusing on your minor mistake and make it larger and larger.... sigh....
Life is so hard with them, not with my patient. But I have to face them everyday whenever I stay longer.
*sigh* I am in a similar situation....just don't understand why people can't just do their job? Or must they create so much office politics? In order to get my things done, and in the way I want, sometimes I have to play along...but I never feel and think it's right...
回覆刪除sigh...to be honest i don't know how terrible is that bad guy. i used to think u could survive in any setting with our skills, knowledge, optimism and enthusiasm. anyway, i know u have try very very hard within the past 9 months! and u really act great to the role! i agree that it is always lots of choices around us! i had never thought of changing job at this moment last year! but i eveutally did change and have fun here! i do think u can have a better award and future! but do u want to wait for 1 year so that u can get the extra award first? but as long as u feel comfortable, u make our decision la! we will support u!
回覆刪除best wishes!
Yin Yin,
回覆刪除Haha, 今次我唔會好似上次咁衝動喇, 學妳話齋都捱咗九個月咯, 仲有三個月而且仲有咁多假放, 我一定捱埋佢! 唔洗趕住走, 呢度簡直日日好戲連場! 而且諗清楚跟住嘅路還是最重要啦!
喺呢度, 嗰種俾人鬧俾人唔尊重俾人出賣的感覺, 真係會令到你咩enthusiasm 都冇晒...
回覆刪除係咯, 如果我同妳都係咁識玩政治嘅人, 我哋一早應該去商界發展啦~
只係或者我哋冇諗過, 做一份咁嘅工作, 都要面對咁多無謂又無辜被牽連的 office politics o者....